Big Data Analytics

I no longer offer this course.  But I put the notes (CUHK internal access only) and lab material online for education purpose.

  1. Introduction to Big Data Analytics
  2. MapReduce
  3. Spark
  4. Linear Regression
  5. Logistic Regression
  6. Regularization
  7. Miscellaneous about Machine Learning
  8. SVM
  9. Graph Analytics
  10. NoSQL data collection
  11. SQL on Hadoop
  12. Recommender Systems
  13. Dimension Reduction Overview
  14. Neural Network and Deep Learning Overview
  15. Real-time Analytics
*Acknowledgment: Notes related to machine learning are largely based on Prof. Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course at Coursea.  Many images in the notes are obtained from Google Images.  You may re-use my materials for any non-commercial purpose provided that you have done acknowledgement.

Further Readings/Watchings: